1. I believe that the government's role in the economy should be dependent on the needs of America. Right now, in these hard times, I think that they have the responsibility to try and help balance out the debt that many people are in. In an article on CNN titled, President touts Obamacare benefits for moms, Obama talks about being "110% committed to getting it done." He is referring to health care as being important for the well being on our people. He also says that '"there will be some mistakes and hiccups as the thing gets started up"', which I also agree with. Sometimes the government has to do things that don't seem favorable at first, but end up with a better result. I feel like it's their job to help us stay stable and confident in our ability to act as a nation.
2. It is interesting to see how much of our taxes are taken out of individual's incomes, 46%! This is surprising compared to the amount taken from corporate taxes which is only 10%. I feel like the taxes coming from corporations should be higher since they're able to afford more because of their larger size. So I would change the way they bring in revenue because it puts a large burden on each individual or family to pay taxes and if they can't then the government can't make a profit.
3. I think that the spending for the national budget seems fair, despite the fact that we are spending more money than we are taking in. I feel like if cuts are to happen, then it should mostly be from the discretionary areas or areas that can be combined with other groups in order to make a better profit. We need public services for those who can't provide for themselves, and for those who have retired and aren't working anymore. Although certain programs could be improved, I think that spending is on the right track.
4. In the Federal Budget Challenge, I cut spending more than raising revenue in order to reduce the deficit. The largest area I cut spending in was War Spending Estimates. Throughout the whole process though, I had a tough time deciding what I wanted to cut because I felt like a lot of these public programs were important to America. Even though I did reduce spending in the Social Security and Health areas, I didn't want to because I think that people should have access to affordable medical care. The revenue I raised was somewhat close to how much I wanted to cut, although I felt like if the government and companies are already in debt, then how would individuals be able to pay more taxes? It was a good demonstration, but in real life I would hope there would be more options.
I chose a picture of an adult holding hands with a child. To me, the government seems like an adult figure, although less so the older I've gotten. So it only seems right that it would try and lead us to the best of its abilities. This means they would decide where our taxes go, how we should raise revenue, etc. And just like a child, as America grows stronger and more capable to agree and have a voice that they would let us grow up. Also, just like a parent, they will always be there, but it just depends on the amount of influence we let them have.
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